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Camp Lejeune Toxic Water Lawsuit


Camp Lejeune Toxic Water Lawsuit Overview

An estimated 900,000 U.S. Veterans and their family members are now eligible to file a lawsuit for harm related to exposure to toxic water at U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987.

Corboy & Demetrio is proud to prosecute these claims on behalf of veterans and their families.

On Aug. 10, 2022, The Camp Lejeune Justice Act, a part of the historic Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act (PACT), was signed into law, giving veterans and their families hope for justice. The Act provides help for service members, military families and civilians harmed by toxic water at Camp Lejeune. The Act allows claims and then lawsuits to be filed for damages and injuries resulting from the contaminated water, a new legal recourse.

Water Contamination at Camp Lejeune

In 1982, the Marine Corps discovered specific volatile organic compounds (VOCs), colorless and toxic, in the drinking water provided by two of the eight water treatment plants on base.

Tests from water treatment plant sampling and samples of water supply wells identified that trichloroethylene (TCE), tetrachloroethylene (PCE), vinyl chloride (VC) and benzene had contaminated some drinking water sources at Camp Lejeune, according to the Center for Disease Control’s Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), which performed studies and issued its findings in 2017.  Read the full report here.

It determined that three water-distribution plants, Hadnot Point, Tarawa Terrace, and Holcomb Boulevard, which historically supplied finished water to the majority of family housing units at the base, were contaminated. 

Cancers and other Illness Potentially Associated with Exposure to VOCs in Water at Camp Lejeune include:

  • Kidney cancer
  • Hodgkin Lymphoma
  • Multiple Myeloma
  • Leukemias
  • Liver Cancer
  • Pancreatic Cancer
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Bladder Cancer
  • Kidney Disease
  • Esophageal Cancer
  • Rectal Cancer
  • Brain Cancer (Central Nervous System)
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Scleroderma/Systemic Sclerosis
  • Major cardiac birth defects
  • Other serious illness

About Ken Lumb,  U.S. Veteran and Advocate for Military Families

Managing Partner Ken Lumb served four years on active duty in the Army's Judge Advocate General's Corps, as the Medical Claims Judge Advocate at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. After he left active duty, Ken remained in the Army Reserve. In 2003, he was mobilized in support of operation "Iraqi Freedom,” and is currently a retired major in the U.S. Army Reserve. As a proud U.S. Veteran, he has helped military families throughout his career in and out of court.

He currently serves as Vice Chair of the American Association for Justice’s Federal Tort and Military Advocacy Section. In 2022, the National Law Journal selected Ken as a "Trailblazer - Plaintiffs' Attorney,” an elite designation awarded, in part, due to his first-of-its-kind remote federal trial that Ken tried from his office during the pandemic. Ken sought to hold the government of Iran accountable for its support of Iraqi militants who killed a US Army Soldier and severely injured his platoon leader in southern Iraq in 2009.

In an unrelated toxic tort case in 2021, Ken and his Corboy & Demetrio team obtained millions in a confidential settlement for residents of an Illinois community who were sickened by a toxic chemical spill.

Contact Us

To speak with Ken or for more information on a Camp Lejeune Toxic Water Lawsuit, you can email us at; call us at 312-346-3191; or submit your inquiry via our website’s Contact Page.


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