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Thomas Demetrio Blasts Boeing and FAA in BBC Radio Interview on Ethiopian Airlines & Lion Air Crashes


Corboy & Demetrio Co-founder Thomas Demetrio, in an interview with BBC Radio’s World Tonight, pointed the finger at both Boeing and the FAA for roles in the crashes of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 and Lion Air Flight 610.  

“I believe at the end of the day we’re going to learn the FAA, which is responsible for air safety which is looked up to by countries across the world for guidance on air safety, relinquished its responsibility to Boeing,” Demetrio said.

As for Boeing’s responsibility, Demetrio said, “There are many, me included, who believe that because of how this plane was rushed through production and into the marketplace that after the first crash of Lion Air, the plane should have been grounded then and there until Boeing figured out why that planed crashed.”

You can listen here to Tom Demetrio’s Full BBC Radio interview.

Corboy & Demetrio currently represents families of passengers killed in both the Ethiopian Airlines and Lion Air crashes.


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21st Floor
Chicago, IL 60602