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Philip Harnett Corboy, Jr. to Serve as Delegate Whip at Democratic National Convention


Corboy & Demetrio Partner Philip “Flip” Corboy, Jr. will soon be heading off to Philadelphia for the Democratic National Convention where he will serve as a delegate on the Democratic National Committee’s Permanent Committee on Credentials.  It’s the second time the DNC has appointed Flip to the post.  

The first was in 1992 – when he was a Bill Clinton appointment to the Committee.  This time, he was appointed by Hillary for America.

Flip will serve as whip in charge of committee delegates from IL, MI and WI, and his duties include hearing evidence from objectors.  “Whenever there’s an objection to the seating of an individual or a group of delegates, it’s a mini trial to flush out who should or shouldn’t be seated.  It makes sense they wanted a trial lawyer,” Corboy said.

“The classic case of an objector is someone who feels they deserve to be a delegate, and if they convince the Committee, then we’ll not only make them a delegate but we’ll also have to remove an existing delegate.  Other objections could include whether the demographics of delegates meet the required percentages mandated by the Democratic National Committee,” he added.

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21st Floor
Chicago, IL 60602