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After Judge Finds Discrimination in First Trial, African-American Man Awarded $2.6 Million in Retrial


During Isaac Pennington's first trial against Tech Sales, Inc., Cook County Circuit Court Judge James Flannery Jr. cited the defense for a violating a United States Supreme Court decision that prohibits attorneys from excluding potential jurors based on their race. Mr. Pennington, an African-American, lost half of his right foot when his leg was crushed in a recycling system designed by Tech Sales, Inc.

After the first case ended in a mistrial following accusations of corruption among the defendants, a second trial was held. In a judgment entered today, a Cook County jury awarded Mr. Pennington $2.6 million in his product liability suit against Tech Sales, Inc. The attorneys for the plaintiff, Corboy & Demetrio, expressed satisfaction that the jury had made a proper award. "After the jury in the second trial was fairly constituted, I knew they would do the right thing," said the frim. "The design of the recycling system was faulty and the jurors knew it. I'm just pleased that Mr. Pennington will finally be able to get on with his life."

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Chicago, IL 60602