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$7.4 Million Settlement for Gold Coast Nanny Struck by Intoxicated Driver

The Chicago City Council yesterday approved a $7.4 million settlement with Jennifer Anton, the Gold Coast nanny hailed an “angel” after she pushed a toddler in a stroller out of harm’s way just before she was struck by a Chicago sanitation truck in 2011.

Anton suffered multiple fractures to her pelvis, hips and legs, as well as degloving injuries to her legs.  She has undergone multiple surgeries since the crash.

“Jen is ecstatic that finality has come, and she can pursue her education with peace of mind,” said Thomas A. Demetrio, a founding partner of Corboy & Demetrio who settled the case directly with Chicago Corporation Counsel Steve Patton.

Dwight Washington, the driver, ran down several pedestrians on the sidewalk at the corner of Rush Street and Cedar Street in Chicago’s Gold Coast on May 21, 2011.   Washington had a blood alcohol level of two and a half times the legal limit.

“What happened to Jen and to the others injured by Mr. Washington never should have happened.  The city, hopefully, learned that it must better monitor the drivers it employs or else it will pay a hefty price,” Demetrio said.

The negligence lawsuit, which was filed in Cook County Circuit Court, included counts against the City of Chicago for negligent supervision of its employee.   Today, Judge Irwin J. Solganick entered an order dismissing the case.

Case information: Jennifer Anton v. City of Chicago and Dwight Washington, Case No. 2011L5260X, Cook County Circuit Court.  


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21st Floor
Chicago, IL 60602