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Managing Partner Ken Lumb Named to 2022 "Trailblazers" by National Law Journal


Corboy & Demetrio is proud to announce that Managing Partner Kenneth T. Lumb was selected to the 2022 Edition of “Trailblazers - Plaintiffs’ Lawyers” by the National Law Journal.

Ken is one of only 50 plaintiff’s attorneys nationwide and the only attorney in Illinois selected to the elite list.

Ken was selected for his leadership role at Corboy & Demetrio during the pandemic, pivoting the firm’s attorneys to manage and try cases remotely.  The NLJ highlighted a remote federal trial that Ken tried from his office, representing the family of a deceased soldier and his injured platoon leader in a case filed under the Terrorism Exception to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act.  Ken told the NLJ:

“It involved an attack in southern Iraq utilizing a particularly deadly device known as an explosively formed penetrator, which was supplied by Iraq.  With the case ready for trial in federal court in Chicago but stalled by the pandemic, I requested and was granted a fully remote trial using the court’s Webex platform.  I tried the case remotely, standing behind a podium in my office, calling numerous witnesses remotely, including active-duty Army officers and using numerous exhibits.”

When asked about the bearing the pivot to remote would make on the future, Ken told the NLJ:

“The Bench and bar can be slow to change, particularly where technology is concerned, but positive experiences during the pandemic like my remote trial have accelerated the pace of change exponentially.  Remote meetings, court appearances, and trial testimony (and even whole trials) are here to stay.”

According to the National Law Journal, all the honorees are “born leaders” who are “agents of change.”

We couldn’t agree more.

You can read the entirety of Ken’s interview and read about all the other honorees here:



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Corboy & Demetrio
33 N. Dearborn Street
21st Floor
Chicago, IL 60602